Total Vision
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What to Do with Old Eyeglasses

Woman's outstretched arm holding a pair of glasses over a waste basket full of eyeglasses.

Anyone who needs corrective lenses probably has a few old pairs on hand. Consider giving your old glasses a second life instead of letting them gather dust in a drawer. Numerous charitable organizations accept donated eyeglasses and distribute them to those in need, domestically and internationally. […]

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Eyesight vs. Vision: What’s the Difference?

A young woman with piercing blue eyes undergoing an eye examination.

Eyesight and vision represent different aspects of seeing. Eyesight is the ability to see objects and letters from a standard distance, focusing on the eye’s capability to discern details. 

Vision goes beyond this, encompassing the brain’s role in processing and understanding visual information, including depth perception, color recognition, and eye coordination. […]

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Can I Put Prescription Lenses in My Sunglasses?

A collection of sunglasses. Each of them in different colours.

Sunglasses are an essential accessory that protects your eyes from harmful UV rays and helps you to see clearly on bright, sunny days. 

However, if you have prescription eyewear, you may wonder if you can put prescription lenses in your sunglasses. Rest assured that the answer is yes, you can! You can even add your prescription lenses to designer sunglasses. […]

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How to Use Reading Glasses?

A young man reading a book while wearing his pair of reading glasses.

Whether you’re a first-time user or looking to optimize your experience, it is important to keep in mind the following for how to use reading glasses:

Get regular eye checkups

Understand your prescription 

Make sure to choose the right strength 

Wear your reading glasses at the proper distance 

Make sure to maintain and clean your reading glasses properly

Avoid prolonged usage 

Have the right lighting […]

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